Concert Information

Dear Parents and Students,

The North Coast Dance Academy 2024 Concert will be held at 3pm on Saturday 7th December at Lismore Workers Club (Student’s will be required to be there by 2pm).  All students are required to attend the dress rehearsal at Lismore Workers Club on Saturday 7th December in the morning (Times TBA) .  This is an exciting time for the students as it is a chance to shine in front of family and friends.

The concert offers our students a professionally directed performance that allows them to present to their families and friends the results of a year’s hard work, dedication, and progress.  The concert is not compulsory, if you are unable to attend please let me know ASAP as we will be starting our concert dances soon.

A big part of the dance training process includes learning through performance.  The experience helps build self-esteem, self-assurance, and contributes to a sense of confidence.  It helps the children develop retention skills, and by working with their classmates on a group performance, they learn the positive aspects of working as a team to create the best end result.

Dedication to concert commitments is the responsibility of both students and their parents. 

Concert Updates:  As the weeks progress, additional information and updates will be posted on the website and on the Facebook page (North Coast Dance Academy), if you have Facebook please like this page for updates.  Make it your responsibility to keep abreast of this important information.  It is our goal to make the whole experience organised and exciting for all involved.  It’s a team effort; students, their parents, and the teachers are key players in the success of the show. 

Home Study:  To ensure that the students feel confident about their performance, we ask parents and guardians to encourage them to rehearse their choreography on a regular basis.  Please feel free to ask for a copy of the music.   

Costumes:  I spend many hours determining the correct costumes for each class.  They are always age-appropriate and of the highest quality possible, whilst keeping the cost as low as possible.

* Deposits – In an effort to ensure that costumes are delivered on time I am ordering costumes over the next couple of months.  Costume manufacturers do not accept cancellations or offer refunds; therefore there is no refund for the costume deposit.  I ask all parents to pay a deposit of $30 cash for each class your child/children are in and return in an envelope by Saturday 4th August  Student’s costumes will not be ordered until the deposit has been received.

*Distribution – Costumes will be distributed when the outstanding balance is paid in full.  Group and Individual photos will be taken at the dress rehearsal.  To ensure that there are no costume problems, students should try their costumes on at home when they receive them and then not wear them again until the dress rehearsal.

 *Costume expense – The estimated cost of costumes is $50 – $80.   Accessories, such as headpieces are included in the cost of the costume. Tights and shoes are not included.  All ballet students must wear ballet shoes and pink ballet tights, AcroJazz students must wear black jazz shoes and tights T.B.A. Lyrical/Contemporary students are usually bare foot or with lyrical shoes.

*Costume care – I recommend that your child’s name be placed on all costumes, shoes, accessories, and tights. 

*Tights –Tights can be purchased from All About Dance – 201 River Street Ballina.

*Shoes – Ballet and Jazz shoes can be purchased from All About Dance – 201 River Street Ballina.

Hair and Makeup:  All female students are asked to wear makeup for the concert and dress-rehearsal: pink lipstick, blush, eye shadow, and mascara.  Please let the teacher know if you don’t wish your child to wear make-up.

Uniform hairstyles are required.  All ballet students must wear their hair in a bun unless advised differently. All other classes TBA.

Dress Rehearsal:  The dress rehearsal is necessary so the performer can get a feel of the stage and stage surroundings.  To practice their dance routines on stage and learn where their entrances and exits will be. The dress rehearsal allows the students to become familiar with the hall and surroundings and feel comfortable with their performance, costumes, and being onstage.  Lighting, music cues, set changes, and all other logistics for an organised and professional performance are rehearsed so that the students make the best impression possible.  Participation in the dress rehearsal is mandatory.

*Finale All students are required to participate in the finale.  All students will remain in their last performance costume for the finale.

*Dressing-room etiquette – Students must respect other students’ space and property in the dressing room.  The students will spend more time in the dressing rooms than on stage, so please do your best to keep them organised and clean.  No food or drink is allowed in the dressing rooms, water is permitted.

*Dress-rehearsal guests – One parent or guardian may accompany each student to the dress rehearsal.  Please, no siblings who do not dance! 

*Dress-rehearsal drop off and pickup – Parents or guardians should bring the students to their assigned dressing rooms, where they will be checked in and placed under the supervision of their class helper mum.  Parents or guardians must remain in the hall until their children have been dismissed.  Parents are not allowed in the dressing rooms after the children have been checked in for the rehearsal, unless of course they are needed by their child. Full costume and make-up is required for dress-rehearsal.

*Dress-rehearsal dismissal – Students will be dismissed from rehearsal once they have completed all of their routines. I will schedule the younger students to be first thing in the morning so then they can go home and rest before the performance.

*Video and photography: We do not allow video or flash photography in the auditorium at the dress rehearsals and concert.  Our professional camera crew and photographer will capture it all.  Photos and Video will be available for purchase.  More information will be available at a later date.  Please make sure you have completed the online permission form.  If you can’t access the form please ask your teacher for a copy.

Permission Form

Hall Rules:  No smoking is allowed in the auditoriuml or dressing rooms.  Dancers will remain in the dressing rooms with their class mum during the concert and when they are not on stage, unless pre-arranged for the student to sit with their parent/guardian.

Backstage:  Family members and friends don’t belong backstage or in the dressing rooms during the dress rehearsals or the concert.  There is a lot of backstage activity in the limited space, and dressing rooms are a private area.  Please remind your family and guests to be respectful of these areas. 

Concert Volunteer Information:  Anyone interested in volunteering to help backstage, in the dressing rooms or out the front is welcome.  All volunteers will receive an identification badge at the dress rehearsal.  Please do not bring guests, including children, with you while you are volunteering.  Please email me at if you are interested.

*Class mums – A class mum is needed for each class to supervise the dancers.  They do not need a ticket and will be able to watch their child perform from the audience.  The class mum must assure that each child in her care is safe and accounted for.  They are responsible for making sure that each child is in the proper costume, has the proper accessories and shoes, and is backstage at the appropriate time.  They are also responsible for seeing that all children return to their appointed dressing room after their performance.  The number of volunteers needed for each class will be determined by the number of students per class.   During their class performances, the mum will leave the students at the stage door with me and watch the dance from reserved seating. Please let Melinda know if you would like to volunteer to be your child’s class mum.

Dress Rehearsal Photos:  All students are required to be present for their class photo.  After the group photo shoot, students may choose to have solo portraits taken in their costumes.  There is no obligation to purchase group photos.  Please ensure you have completed the online permission form.  If you can’t access the form please ask your teacher for a copy.

Permission Form

Concert Ticket Policy:   Ticket information will be available closer to the date.

I would like to thank each of you for your support and for choosing NCDA for your child’s dance education.  I truly consider it a very special privilege.  Thanks for being a part of our dance family.